CareemPay SDK
Integratable SDK for CareemPay merchants
WebSocket Client SDK for both Browser/Web and Node JS
Monorepo containing two SDKs with simulator for each 🌈
An integrable SDK for Web application 🛠️
An integrable SDK for Node application 🛠️
on: Listens for messages from the WebSocket server
send: Sends a message to the server
disconnect: Disconnects the client from websocket server
SDK emits a custom event sdkready when WebSocket Client successfully connects with the WebSocket Server 🛎️
A simulator app to see the web-sdk in action 🏃
A simulator app to see the node-sdk in action 🏃
Shared packages for Eslint, TSConfig, and a Utility
Both SDKs and a Utility package is bundled with Vite
Both SDKs are being used as an external package in their respective simulator. These SDKs can be published to NPM 🔥
Unit tests with JEST